Creating Page Elements - Report Header and Footer

The Report header is used to print information which is needed only on the first page of the document. On an invoice, this may include specific document information such as the credit terms, bill of lading or sales people. The figure below outlines a sample Report header on a form.

Fields from the input file for Report Headers and Footers and for Page Headers and Footers must be defined in the Base Page first.

More information on Defining Fields in Print Line Mode

More information on Defining Fields in Records Mode

To create the Report header:

  • Select Report header from the Define menu.
  • On the Settings tab set:
    • Height - a height for the Report header.
    • Print on all pages - check this box for the Report header to print on all pages. This makes the Report header a Page header.
  • On the Accumulative fields tab, define the accumulative fields Name, and set the data fields to be accumulated from the page elements.

Report Footer

The Report footer is used to print information which is needed only on the last page of the document. This may include information such as the total of an invoice or a remittance advice slip. The figure below outlines a sample Report footer on a form.

To create the Report footer:

  • Select Report footer from the Define menu.
  • On the Settings tab set:
    • Height - height for the Report footer.
  • On the Accumulative fields tab, define the accumulative fields Name, and set the data fields to be accumulated from the page elements.
