General processing for a new file is to identify these
areas, in this order, per document:
- Header for the first page, including either a Change
rule on the document number (eg. Invoice Number) or a rule
selecting page 1 (and not page 10, 11 and so on).
- Footer (if a footer exists), including a rule to identify
the footer proportion of the form.
- Unwanted Detail lines (Properties, Suppress output) for
the following, all with rules:
- Subsequent page headers (segregated by not having the change rule or page 1 rule applying).
- Unwanted lines such as trailer, "continued" brought
forwards and so on.
- Detail lines that are not blank to capture
all of the remaining data except blank lines.
Your final file should have one page of output containing
Header, Trailer and relevant detail lines as one long page.