Variables are additional data defined within the Master record which are derived during XML processing. Typical variables are running counts of detail line values, with these used as the source field in C/Fwd and B/Fwd records.
From Version 8.16 the variable copy_control with value 1 is always present and is used for control over the number of copies printed. Increase the value if more than one copy is required for this form. The corresponding variable showing which copy is being processed is in the Pre-defined variables list at the top of the document display and is current copy. This increases by 1 for each copy printed.
If you would like to use copy control on forms generated earlier, install the
new software (this adds pre-defined variable current copy) and add copy_control
to master variables.
To define a Variable, select Variable from the Document window, then
right-click and select Properties ...
... or select via Properties.
All selection methods open the Record Properties window.
Select Variables tab, then Add and supply the Name and
Initial value.
(From Version 8.12) this may be sourced from an all-numeric Lookup Entry as
shown. This sets up the new variable "GST Aus On", taken from the
Lookup Table Entry GST Rate.
The initial value is restored for each new master record processed.
Variable may be updated by a Formula - see HERE.