To edit the Project Files:
- Choose Settings from the
Project menu or click the Project
Properties tool button on the project toolbar.
Project dialog box opens.
- On the Project Files tab:
- Modify the name of the load (.asc) file in the
Output box.
- Modify the location of the load (.asc) file in the
Output location box.
- Click the Add button to insert an
existing form to the project. Alternatively, you can choose
Add files from the Project
menu to add any existing forms to the project, or click the
Add files to project tool button on the
project toolbar.
- Select an unwanted form and click the Remove
button to delete the form from the project. Alternatively,
you can click the Remove files tool button
on the project toolbar to delete highlighted forms.
To add a new form to the project:
- Select New form from the
Project menu.
- Choose the Extract mode and click
- On the Save As dialog box, give the new
form a name and click the Save button.
- The new form is now added to the project.