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Error from FormTrap Spooler

Error from FormTrap Spooler

FormTrap Spooler produces error messages, messages are of several types, the messages produced directly by the Spooler are partially documented below (we add document errors that have been reported by users), messages produced by other software - particularly Windows error messages - may be obtuse. Where FormTrap Spooler produces the error message, additional detail may be found in the log file (%fthome%\spooler-debug.txt file). Look there first please. If you do not understand ensure you send that file with your request for support.

Windows error messages have an error number, use the number as the keyword to the FormTrap Knowledge Base to see if we have addressed this error, otherwise submit the error code to Google Search to access other comments on the issue. FormTrap is not responsible for Windows errors, the system performs calls to Windows APIs to specifications. Windows error messages generally mean you have incomplete /incorrect parameters.

We may elect to assist with error messages produced by non-FormTrap software (or not) at our discretion, and may elect to charge for assistance where the resolution is:

  • unique to that client
  • the result of errors in Windows APIs
  • produced by components included in the FormTrap Spooler by the user (Setup: Filters, Run, Applications)
  • pushing beyond the scope of activity inherent in FormTrap (for example, tracking responses to emails)
  • able to be resolved by an informed Windows CE

We will inform client where we intend to charge and will estimate final cost, which is NOT binding. Chargeable work will require a credit card prior to the start of work. Our fees for this work are deliberately excessive, we do not want involvement with unique user problems, our function is to write general software with wide application.

queuename: cannot parse XML input

Queues, Processing tab, Split / resolve: prompt.

A V8 queue normally resolves incoming data by recognizing it and converting it to FormTrap XML. User selected "Resolved" meaning the input should be FTXML, it is not.
