Using the Archive
FTSpooler keeps all the job processing and delivery information in one job archive and provides different views, i.e. All, Delivered, Errors, Data, Replication, Formatting, Working and Logs.
Archive shows three panels: searching and filtering, main panel and detail panel.
More information on Archive Database
More information on archive viewing for deafault (not Admin) users.
View Errors
Select the Delivered button under Archive from the top navigation bar. In the searching and filtering panel, specify searching criteria to retrieve data records.
More information on Search and Filter Archive Records
In the main panel, FTSpooler shows the following for each job:
- Status - job status
- Date / Time - of submission
- Queue - the queue the data was processed in
- To - form(s) used in the processing the document
Between submission and delivery of the formatted document may be several steps such as input filtering, identification and routing an/or splitting, repagination and print formatting. Each step is shown in the detail panel located at the right side effectively showing the history of each job in most recent (top) to oldest (bottom) order.
You can select multiple records and save their documents. You can view a document in the appropriate viewer.
- Process Name - shows the name of the process used to modify or format the document. Some processes show additional information after a colon sign ":". For instance, the print-formatting process "formtrap" is followed with the name of the form; delivery engine "smtp", is followed with the document filter name.
- Document Type - the file type that is produced by the process. "txt" is raw data, "pcl" or "pclxl" or "ps" are formatted and print ready documents.
An additional error description panel displays extra information for troubleshooting:
- Process Error Description - a brief description of the process-generated error
- FTSpooler Error Description - a full description of the error in FTSpooler
Process errors show the best information available. The information may not be meaningful or very relevant. There is no additional information available from log files.
More information on Error Messages from FormTrap Spooler
More information on Exporting Files