Table Objects
Tables are defined as part of the Group Header. Table ending is
defined in the Group Trailer. Table columns and the side boundaries
can be defined in either Group record or in the Details included in
that group.
The table is included when Table frame required is ticked. Note that you have to specify both the Group Header and Footer in this dialog box.
Table Frame, Columns and Attributes
With the Group Header selected, select on one of the column lines or the outer frame. White squares appear on the table and column lines.
You can edit the table by selecting Properties from the Edit group, or select
Graphics and use the Table group, press here for details.
Edit, Properties to modify the table.
Horizontal offset is distance from the left of page to the left of the table.
Roundness ticked will round that corner, with measurement roundness entered below.
Add column adds last, at the same width as the former last column.
Delete column deletes the selected column.
Column Width for each column is available for change.
Height is the height of the table for that layout name, and may be changed. Table height may not exceed layout height.
Appearance tab has these questions:
Frame is the outer frame lines.
Divider is the column separations.
Odd rows and Footer area are normally transparent unless non-white colors are used. Odd rows should NOT be the same as Header area.
Test prints need to be done to see the color for printed pages.
Modifying the Table using Table Area (under Graphics)
This is the alternative to using Properties to modify table values.
Selecting Graphics presents this group of buttons in the Table area.
Plus column allows
addition of a column, and changes the cursor to the Placement cursor
Move the cursor to the table where the new column is to go, and press mouse to add the column.
Minus column deletes
the currently selected column (pink marked column)
The Corners
button allows ticking of corners to be rounded, with the figure
next being the roundness.
Switch display colors alternates
the color background of detail lines in this group between none, even and
odd. The color is seen only when a detail line in this group is selected.
and Line Widths
complete the Table area.
Table Footer
Table Footer properties are used to determine the extent of the footer following the last detail for the page, via Expand to the bottom. Unticked draws at Height, ticked extends the table down to the foot of the page (allowing for Page Footers, and Report footers).